The greatest mosque in the world
"Islam is Science and Science is Islam"
Sefre Architects and Research Group's design, prompted by the interest of a number of governments, has redefined the vision of the sacred space to a national level both in terms of intellectual and social purpose and in terms of physical scale. Consequently, such a building must be physically imposing and be capable of accommodating as many people as necessary for national events but at the same time be capable of sub division for a variety of uses, religious or non-religious.

In addition, the surrounding area is planned as an extensive luxury housing
estate. These properties will command an exceptionally high premium due to
the location and proximity to this new national symbol and, together with the
commercial buildings and their continual income, is expected to fund most if not
all of the cost of the sacred space building.
The building at present under
consideration is basically designed for an Islamic society and so has a dome-like structure. It will be the world’s largest enclosed space and will accommodate half a million people. It is one half of a kilometre in
diameter. A building on this scale will require the very latest technology to help construct and maintain its operation in the future. Sefre Architects + Research Group have already investigated and identified some thirty- three different new technological innovations to build and run the completed site in the most efficient economic and environmentally friendly way possible.
estate. These properties will command an exceptionally high premium due to
the location and proximity to this new national symbol and, together with the
commercial buildings and their continual income, is expected to fund most if not
all of the cost of the sacred space building.
The building at present under
consideration is basically designed for an Islamic society and so has a dome-like structure. It will be the world’s largest enclosed space and will accommodate half a million people. It is one half of a kilometre in
diameter. A building on this scale will require the very latest technology to help construct and maintain its operation in the future. Sefre Architects + Research Group have already investigated and identified some thirty- three different new technological innovations to build and run the completed site in the most efficient economic and environmentally friendly way possible.